'AT Hive' - Submit an AT write up.

Have you used or are using an AT that you want to share in our 'AT Hive'?a person typing on a laptop

Then have a look at our downloadable template and see what is involved. The headings and sections are a useful guide for help you structure your write up. At the end of the page you can download a Word document with this template to help you with your AT Write up.

The headings in the word document template are:

  • Naming the tool and what the tool is (a website, app, software, browser plugin, browser based tool).
  • Name the keys functions of the tool.
  • A top tip - share an insight about the tool with the audience (optional)
  • A video - is there a video about the tool or can you make your own video (optional)

It's that easy! If you are a student, staff member from the Education or Employment sector or a rockstar, then think about the Assistive Technology you use and share it with the AT Community.

When you complete the AT Hive Template (below) just email it to danielle.orourke@ahead.ie

Download our AT Hive Template then fill it in and email it to danielle.orourke@ahead.ie

Creating Inclusive Environments in Education and Employment for People with Disabilities

East Hall, UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.
T +353 1 592 1467 E ahead@ahead.ie W www.ahead.ie RCN 20025182