The Ahead Journal


A Review of Inclusive Education
& Employment Practices ISSN 2009-8286

Barbara Waters

Journal Editor, AHEAD

About the Author

Letter from the Editor

Welcome to the Spring 2021 edition of the AHEAD Journal. Firstly, I would like to thank all our contributors for finding time to share their work during this difficult time. It is really good to hear how colleagues have managed the sudden changes creatively and to hear feedback from students.

CEO Dara Ryder outlines opportunities to influence forthcoming legal changes and national strategies and identifies how we might make a difference. Do share this important information within your team and institution.

An encouraging theme in this edition is the development of opportunities for students not just to give feedback but to participate in developing a strong student voice. Trinity’s Ability Co-op, Inspired's case study involving adults with Intellectual Disability, and Ailbhe Kelly’s Erasmus experience give us a great perspective on student experiences.  AHEAD’s own plans for a Student Advisory Group are well underway and there will be more to read about this in the Autumn edition of the Journal.

Alan Hurst’s Book Review introduces an important publication to extend our understanding of designing Inclusive learning opportunities - definitely a book to be considered.

I do hope you enjoy read the Journal, we aim to include something for everybody.

Happy Reading

Barbara Waters


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