AHEAD: Association for Higher Education Access & Disability
Creating inclusive environments in education & employment for people with disabilities.


Employer/Employee Grants

The Department of Social Protection offer a variety of grants and schemes in relation to the employment of people with disabilities called the Reasonable Accommodation Fund. These grants and schemes can benefit an employer by assisting with the partial or total cost of a reasonable accommodation for the workplace. 

Employers should contact staff responsible for Disability Employment Support in their area for specific advice.

Click the grant sections below to have further information drop down.

Job Interview Interpreter Grant  (JIIG)

If you have a candidate who is deaf, hard of hearing or who has a speech impairment, you may benefit from the Job Interview Interpreter Grant under the Reasonable Accommodation Fund. There are two situations in where the grant can be used;

  • at a job interview
  • training during the induction period when you start a new job

The fund will pay a professional qualified interpreter for a 3 hour period including travel costs.

Who applies?

The jobseeker should apply for the grant. Please note, prior approval is typically required for the grant. 

Wage Subsidy Scheme (WSS)

The Wage Subsidy Scheme provides financial support for employers who wish to employ people with disabilities. There are 3 different strands of the grant;

  1. A subsided rate of €6.30 per hour for a disabled employee who has a productivity level of between 80% or less (compared to other staff). The employee must work at least 15 hours a week up to a maximum of 39 hours a week.
  2. If a company has 2 or more disabled employees, they can apply for a grant to cover additional supervisory, management and other work related costs.
  3. If a company has 30 or more disabled employees, a grant of €30,000 per year can be sought to employ an Employment Assistance Officer.

The employer pays the going rate for the job, as per any other employee

Who applies? 

The employer must apply for the grant and the employee must also complete a form. 

Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant (WEAG)

If an employee requires a more accessible workplace, including making adaptations or purchasing equipment, a Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant is available. The maximum grant available per employee per workplace is €6,350. however there is an upper limit on a case-by-case basis. You can get this grant for things such as;

  • purchasing a piece of assistive technology
  • minor building modifications (e.g. installing ramps or bathroom handrails)

Who applies?

Either the employer or employee can apply for the grant.  You will need to identify what kind of equipment and/or adaptation is required and why, plus provide quotes.

Personal Reader Grant (PRG)

If an employee is blind or visually impaired and needs assistance with job-related reading, there is a Personal Reader Grant available to facilitate the employment of a Personal Reader on a part-time or ad-hoc basis for a maximum of 640 hours a year paid at minimum wage. 

Who applies? 

The employee typically applies for the grant and submits claim forms monthly.  

Disability Awareness Support Scheme (DASS)

Employers who wish to carry out Disability Awareness Training for their staff are eligible to receive up to 90% of the costs with a maximum of €20,000 in the first year and 80% in the second and subsequent years. 

  • Relevant anti-discrimination and equal opportunities legislation
  • General and specific information on disabilities, perceptual awareness exercises and disability etiquette

Who applies? 

The employer must apply for the scheme and the course provider must be approved by the DSP Employment Personal Advisory prior to commencement of training.

Employee Retention Grant (ERG)

The Employee Retention Grant Scheme aims to help private sector employers to keep employees who acquire an illness, condition or impairment (occupational or otherwise) that affects their ability to carry out their job.

The grant helps employers to explore an employee’s continuing ability to operate as a member of the workforce.

This scheme provides funding to:

  • identify accommodation or training or both, to enable the employee to stay in their current position
  • retrain the employee so that they can take up another position within the company

The Employee Retention Grant Scheme is open to all companies in the private sector. Funding is available to help keep any existing employee, at any level and occupation within the company.

Who applies? 

The employer must apply for the scheme. 

Please note, operational guidelines for any of these supports are subject to change by the Department of Social Protection. You can find accurate and up to date information on the above schemes by contacting Workplace Supports.

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Creating Inclusive Environments in Education and Employment for People with Disabilities

East Hall, UCD, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.
T +353 1 592 1467 E ahead@ahead.ie W www.ahead.ie RCN 20025182