The Ahead Journal


A Review of Inclusive Education
& Employment Practices ISSN 2009-8286

10th Anniversary of the WAM Programme

AHEAD is very proud to have been invited to Áras an Uachtaráin for the 10th Anniversary of the WAM programme. 50 graduates and employers who participate in WAM along with AHEAD members and staff put on their ‘best bib and tucker’ and headed to the Phoenix Park, where the sun shone and they enjoyed afternoon tea in the presidential reception rooms. President Michael D. Higgins greeted everybody personally and spoke eloquently about the success stories of the graduates who demonstrated not only their skills, but resilience and creativity in achieving their professional goals. He also praised the employers who have partnered AHEAD on the WAM (Willing Able Mentoring) programme for their openness and capacity to try new things. He affirmed the need to work together as a community, and to collectively learn from each other and find new ways of working. WAM

WAM Graduates with President Michael D. Higgins
WAM Graduates with President Michael D. Higgins
WAM Employers with President Michael D. Higgins<
WAM Employers with President Michael D. Higgins<

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