Pre-Recorded Session

Dutch National Network Student Welfare

Deeper Dive – 25 min presentation


What exactly do we mean by student well-being? What can we do to promote the well-being of the student generation? What is the task of the educational institution in this? Higher education institutions are faced with these questions. The Dutch National Network for Student Welfare was founded in 2018, and ECIO, Dutch Expert centre for inclusive education, is the initiator and facilitator of this network. The agenda of the meetings of the National Network for Student Welfare is prepared by a coordination group and fed by various thematic Working Groups. Important themes are for example sense of belonging, regional cooperation, peer-to-peer and teaching and staff training.

Within the network staff and students are focusing on the well-being of (international) students with an additional support request who experience obstacles due to a disability, chronic illness, psychological complaints, pregnancy, young parenthood, gender transition or special family circumstances such as informal care. Financial concerns and the social climate can also affect the well-being of students. Every student is entitled to the necessary support and guidance to be able to successfully start, follow and complete a study. This requires adaptations by education professionals, the design of education, buildings and facilities. 

Purpose of the National Network: 

  • exchange experiences and approach;
  • sharing knowledge (bringing and collecting);
  • identify good practices and make them transferable;
  • identifying bottlenecks;
  • meet live or online four times annually.

Already more than 500 representatives of "student wellbeing" initiatives within higher education institutions and professionals from higher education institutions join the Network during the live meetings and share their practices in a Linked Group. 

Joyce Van der Wegen


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Judith Jansen

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This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit for more information