Thursday 6th May

Each Thursday we have a Live keynote speaker related the theme of the week and a chance to network in our Reconnection Spaces.

15.00-16.00 - Week 5 Keynote (Live and Recorded)

15.00-16.00 - Week 5 Keynote (Live and Recorded)

The Age of Engagement, Inclusion and Identity: Rethinking Inclusion After the Pandemic

  1. Professor Andrew Hargreaves, Director of Chenine (Change, Engagement and Innovation in Education), University of Ottawa & Research Professor, Boston College

16.00 to 16.30 Reconnection Space (Live Only)

16.00 to 16.30 Reconnection Space (Live Only)

A meeting space to join for unstructured networking and chat with other conference participants. Meet new colleagues and build your inclusive community

Ilikecake Ltd
This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit for more information