Friday 23rd April: Parallel Presentations & Weekly Close and Reflection

Two live online events take place each Friday afternoon throughout the conference: 

Parallel Presentations (14.00 - 15.20):  choose between two parallel sessions. These presentations include workshops, presentations and discussions on the week's theme. Full details are included in the schedule. 

Weekly close and reflection (15.30-16.30): each week ends with a facilitated dialogue on the week's conference theme.  Hosted by conference rapporteurs Dr Marian McCarthy and Dr Vivian Rath , this session will invite conference attendees to consider the issues raised throughout the presentations and invite discussion around learnings and directions for the future.

14:00-15:20 - Parallel 1: Workshop (Live Only)

14:00-15:20 - Parallel 1: Workshop (Live Only)

Online Social Support Group for Autistic Students – A Pilot Project as a Response to the Restrictions of Covid-19

  1. Sharron Sturgess, Study Adviser for Autism and Asperger Syndrome University of Leicester UK Zyggy Banks, University of Leicester

14:00-15:20 - Parallel 2: Themed Presentations (Live and Recorded)

14:00-15:20 - Parallel 2: Themed Presentations (Live and Recorded)

Launchpad Online: How Student Ownership can Transform an Orientation Programme

  1. Simon Ahern, Educational Technology Officer, Maynooth University Martha Brandes, Outreach Officer, Maynooth University

Roadmap: An Online Evidence-based and Innovative Support Tool for Students with Disabilities

  1. Valerie Van Hees, Coordinator of the Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO, Belgium) Dominique Montagnese, Support Centre for Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO, Belgium)

Mental Health Awareness & Inclusion

  1. Carol Neenan, Active Inclusion Officer, Cork Education and Training Board (CETB)

15.30-16.30 Weekly Close and Reflection (Live Only)

15.30-16.30 Weekly Close and Reflection (Live Only)

A facilitated dialogue on the Week 3 conference theme and a space to discuss the issues and questions raised

  1. Dr Marian McCarthy, Vice President Emerita Teaching and Learning, University College Cork Dr Vivian Rath, National Disabled Postgraduate Advisory Committee
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This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit for more information