Week 4 Pre-recorded Sessions

Each of the five weeks is focused on a different theme, looking at various aspects of a whole-college approach to inclusion. Below are a selection of pre-recorded presentations linked to our theme: 'Let's Do Lunch!' - Virtually Connected Teachers and Learners.

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Week 4 Pre-Record 1

Week 4 Pre-Record 1

Welcoming and Supporting Students in a University for All: Finding Opportunities for Inclusion Online

  1. Dr Lisa Padden, Project Lead, University for All, UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University College Dublin Kim Lombard, Occupational Therapist, UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University College Dublin

Week 4 Pre-Record 2

Week 4 Pre-Record 2

Academic Reading Lists and Course Content in Multiple Alternative Formats: A Universal Design Success Story @IADT

  1. Jade Walsh, Assistant Psychologist, National Learning Network, IADT Dun Laoghaire Colm Olwill, Assistive Technology Tutor, IADT Dun Laoghaire Alice Morrissey, Library Assistant, IADT Dun Laoghaire

Week 4 Pre-Record 3

Week 4 Pre-Record 3

A Shared Vision for Inclusion in Higher Education: Three Perspectives on Embedding UDL Principles During the Swift Move to Online Learning

  1. Dr Suzanne Stone, University of Limerick Tracy Galvin, Education Developer, Queen's University Belfast Karen Buckley, Academic Developer, Teaching Enhancement Unit, National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University
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This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit www.ahead.ie for more information