Digi Coaches bringing Accessible Technology into the Classroom

The SAID (School Assistants for Digital Education) project pioneers a transformative approach to vocational inclusion by training individuals with Intellectual disabilities as School Assistants for Digital Education. By recognising the expertise within every individual and fostering collaborative learning,

Through active involvement of people with Intellectual Disabilities as school assistants, the project not only creates new employment opportunities but also enriches educational environments with diverse perspectives and accessible digital tools. Central to the project is the development of a pioneering curriculum and training program, co-designed with active involvement from the project partners, to ensure its relevance and success. This proposal seeks to share insights, methodologies, and outcomes of the SAID project, highlighting its potential to drive professional digital transformation and foster a more inclusive society.

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Sarah Boland

St. John of God's

Speaker Bio

Ilikecake Ltd
This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit www.ahead.ie for more information