Lightning Session

Each presentation during the Lightning Session will be six to eight minutes, using a maximum of six slides. These rapid fire presentations will serve as a great introduction to projects, resources and approaches to inclusive education and learner support across the sector.  

Lightning 1.1: My Voice - My Choice

My voice - my choice

A collaboration between WWETB/SETU and Service Providers in Adult Day Services for learners that have an intellectual Disability and are interested in learning how to achieve more from Technology, Make their own decisions and Advocate on behalf of themselves and others using a Universal Design Approach.

Rosalind Threadgold

Access & Inclusion Officer, WWETB

Speaker Bio

Lightning 1.2: Integrating UDL Principles into Module Design and Assessment Strategies

Integrating UDL Principles into Module Design and Assessment Strategies

Module design aims to blend pedagogy, inclusivity, and compliance with global and national policies for fair access in higher education. By integrating UDL into descriptors, it fosters transparency, ensuring equal educational opportunities and improving module delivery, learning, and assessment methods.  87% of UDL checkpoints were implemented within a biomedical module.

Download slides for Lightning 1.2 here


Dr Liam Morris

Atlantic Technological University - Galway

Speaker Bio

Lightning 1.3: How do Students with Disabilities Experience Online Education: A Systematic Review

How do Students with Disabilities Experience Online Education: A Systematic Review

Online education has been suggested as offering greater flexibility to students with disabilities in higher education. We undertook a systematic review of studies into online students with disabilities. We found that while the flexibility of learning online did create accessibility, inclusion and academic support were problematic for this cohort.

Download slides for Lightning 1.3 here.

Sinead Lynch

PhD Student- DCU

Speaker Bio

Dr Orna Farrell

Associate Professor, Dublin City University

Speaker Bio

Dr James Brunton

Assistant Professor/Programme Chair, Dublin City University

Speaker Bio

Lightning 1.4: Embedding Universal Design for Learning in higher education: lessons to date

Embedding Universal Design for Learning in higher education: lessons to date 

This session offers an overview of progress to date in a SATLE funded project to embed Universal Design for Learning a higher education institution in Ireland.  The presentation will discuss the challenges and opportunities of this work with reference to the literature and practical experience. 

Dr Suzanne Stone

University of Limerick

Speaker Bio

Dr Annie O'Donovan

University of Limerick

Speaker Bio

Lightning 1.5: Harnessing AI for inclusive education and employment: new possibilities for physical, cognitive and communication access

Harnessing AI for inclusive education and employment: new possibilities for physical, cognitive and communication access

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds immense promise in transforming education and work environments, particularly for individuals facing cognitive and communication challenges. The assistive technology service at the National Rehabilitation Hospital seeks to exploit these emerging technologies to support individuals with acquired neurological disorders to reengage with education and work roles. 

Download slides for Lightning 1.5 here.

Marie Cox

National Rehabilitation Hospital

Speaker Bio

Sharon Leahy

National Rehabilitation Hospital

Speaker Bio

Ilikecake Ltd
This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit for more information