Day 1: Wednesday March 20th

Day 1: Wednesday March 20th

09:30 Welcome and Introduction

10:00 Lightning Session

  1. Lightning 1.1: My Voice - My Choice
    Rosalind Threadgold, Access & Inclusion Officer, WWETB
  2. Lightning 1.2: Integrating UDL Principles into Module Design and Assessment Strategies
    Dr Liam Morris, Atlantic Technological University - Galway
  3. Lightning 1.3: How do Students with Disabilities Experience Online Education: A Systematic Review
    Sinead Lynch, PhD Student- DCU Dr Orna Farrell, Associate Professor, Dublin City University Dr James Brunton, Assistant Professor/Programme Chair, Dublin City University
  4. Lightning 1.4: Embedding Universal Design for Learning in higher education: lessons to date
    Dr Suzanne Stone, University of Limerick Dr Annie O'Donovan, University of Limerick
  5. Lightning 1.5: Harnessing AI for inclusive education and employment: new possibilities for physical, cognitive and communication access
    Marie Cox, National Rehabilitation Hospital Sharon Leahy, National Rehabilitation Hospital

10:45 Main Session: Challenges to Strategically Embedding UD Approach

  1. Sam Catherine Johnston, Research Scientist, CAST

11:15 Break

11:40 Main Session: ALTITUDE - Starting a National Conversation on Embedding Universal Design in Tertiary Education

13:35 Lunch

14:35 Choose your own adventure: Getting Everyone Onboard: Student Engagement and Faculty Partnerships

14:35 Choose your own adventure: Beyond Curiosity: Building on Initial Professional Development Opportunities to Develop Scope and Breadth of UDL Initiatives

  1. Dr Frederic Fovet, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Thompson Rivers University

14:35 Choose your own adventure (ONLINE): TCD Sense

  1. Kieran Lewis, Senior Occupational Therapist, Trinity College Dublin

15:35 Comfort Break

15:55 Choose your own adventure: Institutional Journeys to Embedding UD: Case Studies

15:55 Choose your own adventure: Changing Landscapes - applying the findings from lockdown learning research

  1. Dr Richard Healy, Research and Policy Officer, AHEAD

15:55 Choose your own adventure (ONLINE): At the intersection of stakeholder perspectives: facilitating a faculty and student dialogue on UDL priorities

Day 2: Thursday March 21st

Day 2: Thursday March 21st

09:30 Welcome and Introduction

10:00 Lightning Session

  1. Lightning 2.1: Resolving the tension between presumed-to-be rigid programmes and UDL: A health professions case study
    Marion Brown PhD, Associate Dean Academic, Dalhousie University
  2. Lightning 2.2: Mind Power
    Sandra Geurds, Astrum College, ECIO Tineke Nijhof, Astrum College
  3. Lightning 2.3: Whole institution approach to students' diversity and inclusion in European universities: A SWOT analysis
    Dr Hemendra Mistry, MSCA COFUND Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Salamanca Professor Maria Cruz Sanchez Gomez, Professor of Educational Science, Faculty of Education, University of Salamanca
  4. Lightning 2.4: Designing a university Canvas template
    Sophie Gahan, University College Cork
  5. Lightning 2.5: Increasing awareness to embed inclusion: The Universal Design in Education Project
    Aoife McNicholl, PhD Candidate, Dublin City University

10:45 Main Session: Exploring Generative AI Together: How can Artificial Intelligence Contribute to Student Support?

11:30 Break

11:55 Main Session: ALTITUDE - Starting a National Conversation on Embedding Universal Design in Tertiary Education

  1. Dr Lisa Padden, Project Lead, University for All, UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University College Dublin

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Choose your own adventure: Mini Hackathon - Meeting the Challenges of Embedding Universal Design for Learning in Practice

14:00 Choose your own adventure: Beyond the Classroom: Social Engagement, Transition to Work and More

14:00 Choose your own adventure (ONLINE): Universal Design for Learning as a Two-Pronged Approach to Inclusive Practice in Initial Teacher Education in Ireland: The Benefits and Challenges

ahead conference supported by solas & the hea

With thanks to SOLAS and the Higher Education Authority who provide core funding for AHEAD's activities promoting inclusion in the tertiary education:

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This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit for more information