10:00 Lightning Session

10:00 Lightning Session

Lightning 2.1: Resolving the tension between presumed-to-be rigid programmes and UDL: A health professions case study

  1. Marion Brown PhD, Associate Dean Academic, Dalhousie University

Lightning 2.2: Mind Power

  1. Sandra Geurds, Astrum College, ECIO Tineke Nijhof, Astrum College

Lightning 2.3: Whole institution approach to students' diversity and inclusion in European universities: A SWOT analysis

  1. Dr Hemendra Mistry, MSCA COFUND Fellow, Faculty of Education, University of Salamanca Professor Maria Cruz Sanchez Gomez, Professor of Educational Science, Faculty of Education, University of Salamanca

Lightning 2.4: Designing a university Canvas template

  1. Sophie Gahan, University College Cork

Lightning 2.5: Increasing awareness to embed inclusion: The Universal Design in Education Project

  1. Aoife McNicholl, PhD Candidate, Dublin City University
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This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit www.ahead.ie for more information