Main Session: Exploring Generative AI Together: How can Artificial Intelligence Contribute to Student Support?

Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence and how it might affect the future of tertiary education, but the conversation often focuses on assessment and concerns around academic integrity. Our aim with this session is to create a space for those working in tertiary education to start considering how generative AI might contribute to student support in the future. As our students begin to explore these technologies, how can we model appropriate uses to scaffold their education experiences, academic and beyond?

In this session, participants will be guided by a panel of AI early-adopters to explore potential use-cases for emerging AI tools within the area of student support in an informal and collaborative setting.

The session will give participants the opportunity to explore technologies such as:

  • Chat GPT and other Large Language Models (LLMs)
  • Video and Image Generators
  • Advanced Language Translators
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This article appeared in the AHEAD website. Visit for more information